
This section allows you to download updated versions of Abel and Mabel. Updates are free to users who have bought Abel and Mabel (they will work only if you have already installed from a purchased download or CD). This page also has other free downloads.

Updates to Mobel come from Apple's App Store or Google Play store: please check the Updates section of the App Store or Google Play store on your phone or tablet.

Abel Program updates

Do NOT install an Abel update unless you have already installed Abel from a purchased download or CD. It will not run, and will make installing a purchased copy much harder!

Installation of Abel updates: When you click the link, you will be given the option to run the file directly, or to save it to your PC; choose either. If you save it, you will then need to run the file on the PC. When it runs, it will install the update, usually into C:\Program Files(x86)\Abel 3. You can change this location if you originally installed your copy of Abel in a different place.

When downloading and installing Abel, you may get security warnings. Your browser may say "This program is not commonly downloaded", or that it may harm your device: point to the message, click the ... button that appears, then click 'Keep', then click 'Show More', then click 'Keep anyway' - and finally the download appears! On installation, Windows Defender may say it's an unrecognized app (which it is!); if you click "More info" you'll get the option to install it anyway. Other security software may give other warnings. Be assured: I have checked Abel for viruses and other malware; your PC's security software will check it again! Don't worry: the installation will be fine.

Abel 10.3.2 upgrade
January 2024
This is the latest version of Abel for Windows 11/10/8/7/Vista PCs. You MUST install Abel 3.10.0 or later before you install the 10.3.2 upgrade (see below for the 3.10.0 upgrade). Please read the release notice before downloading: it gives details of changes from previous versions.
Download Abel 10.3.2 upgrade for Windows Vista/7/8/10/11 (3MB)
Abel 10.3.1 upgrade
May 2022
This is the latest version of Abel that will run on Windows XP PCs. You MUST install Abel 3.10.0 or later before you install the 10.3.1 upgrade (see below for the 3.10.0 upgrade). Please read the release notice before downloading: it gives details of changes from previous versions.
Download Abel 10.3.1 upgrade for Windows XP(SP3) (3MB)
Abel 3.10.0 upgrade
23 February 2018
This upgrade of Abel runs on Windows XP(SP3)/Vista/7/8/10/11 PCs (please use version 3.7.0a, below, on Windows 95/98/ME/2000 PCs). This is a large download (85MB), and after installation Abel will use about 210MB of disk space. Please read the release notice before downloading: it gives details of changes from previous versions. NOTE in particular that installing this upgrade will delete Abel's old Moving Ringers 1/2/3 folders. if you have changed these in any way, you may wish to copy your changes elsewhere before doing the upgrade.
When you have installed Abel 3.10.0, you should immediately upgrade to the latest version, see above.
If you use Handbell Manager with Abel, please see the Handbell Manager section, below.
Download Abel 3.10.0 upgrade for Windows XP(SP3)/Vista/7/8/10 (85MB)
Additional Moving Ringers for Abel
23 February 2018
The Abel 3.10.0 upgrade, and purchased Abel downloads, include graphics for eight Moving Ringers. If you want more choices, you can download a further four Ringers. Abel will then use a total of about 300MB of disk space. NOTE that these Moving Ringer graphics are not suitable for use with Abel 3.8 or 3.9.
Download additional Abel 3.10 Moving Ringers (40MB)
Abel 3.7.0a upgrade
28 August 2009
This is the latest version of Abel that will run on Windows 95/98/ME/2000 PCs (please use Abel 10.3, above, on Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10/11 PCs). Please read the release notice before downloading: it gives details of enhancements from previous versions.
Download Abel 3.7.0a upgrade for Windows 95/98/ME/2000 (1.3MB) Download call change prompts for Abel 3.7.0a (0.5MB)
Mabel Program updates

Mabel 1.1.1 upgrade
21 October 2023
This is the latest version of Mabel for MacOS 10.13 High Sierra and later versions of MacOS. Please read the release notice before downloading: the release notice contains details of all changes from previous versions.
Download Mabel 1.1.1 upgrade (10MB)
Mabel 1.1.0 upgrade
30 January 2019
This is the latest version of Mabel for MacOS 10.7 (Lion) to 10.12 Sierra. Please read the release notice before downloading: the release notice contains details of all changes from previous versions.
Download Mabel 1.1.0 upgrade (10MB)
Other downloads and links

Handbell manager for PCs
26/8/2009, updated 22/2/2018
Handbell Manager, written by Graham John and available as a free download, enables USB motion controllers to be used as dummy handbells with Abel.
If you have upgraded to Abel 3.9.2 or later, you need to update to the latest Handbell Manager version too. After updating, you must also change the Handbell Manager settings to Default.
Handbell Manager for PCs download
Handbell manager for Mac
Handbell Manager for Mac, written by Simon Gay and available as a free download, enables USB motion controllers to be used as dummy handbells with Mabel.
Handbell Manager for Mac download
Muster, written by Jonathan Agg and Dave Richards, and available as a free download, works with Abel 3.10.2 and later versions, to join ringers together using the power of the Internet. Muster works by connecting copies of Abel in a peer-to-peer framework: the ringers, who may be separated by many miles, press keys to ring one or two bells just as in Abel, and the bells sound and move on all their PCs.
Muster web page
Thumb Bells
Thumb Bells are a type of dummy handbells created by Tom Farthing. He has produced a series of videos about how to make and use them with Abel, and with Ringing Room and Muster, on Windows; and with Mabel and Ringing Room on Apple Mac.
Thumb Bells web page
Proximity Sensors
19 November 2013
The CS209A chip used in the proximity sensor design described in the Abel documentation is no longer available. Nor is the chip used in a later design, for which there used to be a download here. Alan Griffin and Derek Livsey have produced a design using Hall Effect; the downloadable pdf gives the circuit and a veroboard layout. It uses only five components! To download, right click and select "Save Target As". You use a strong magnet as an activator (on the bell wheel) for the sensor: for example, from Farnell. The magnet will need to pass within about 2cm of the sensor.
Hall Effect Sensor download (36KB pdf)
Infrared Sensors
16 April 2008
This pdf document describes infrared sensors that are slightly different to those described in the Abel documentation. It has been contributed by Alan Griffin. To download, right click and select "Save Target As".
Infrared Sensors (83KB)
Reed Sensors
16 April 2008
This pdf document provides some constructional details for reed switch sensors, which are also described in the Abel documentation. It has been contributed by Alan Griffin. To download, right click and select "Save Target As".
Reed Sensors (10KB)

Updated microSIRIL libraries for use in Abel and Mabel are available at